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A Complete Guide to Tree Care

Tree care is an essential maintenance practice that increases productivity, improves health, and minimizes the damage to your trees. A well-maintained tree will improve the aesthetic value of your landscape. Tree care services require a professional arborist. The process of maintaining your trees is daunting and tedious, particularly if you opt for the DIY technique. Below are the key tree care services:

1. Mulching

Mulching is the process of applying organic or synthetic materials to the topsoil. Mulches can either be applied around or tree or on the bare soil. Organic mulches are environmentally-friendly because they decompose, thus improving the fertility of the soil. There are various benefits of mulching:

  • Lower the risk of soil erosion
  • Prevent the growth and development of weeds
  • Moisture control
  • Release essential nutrients to the soil

Mulching will play a vital role in enhancing the health of your plants, thus increasing the yield.

2. Watering

Water transports nutrients from one part of the tree to another. Normally, nutrients are obtained from the soil. Plant cells can’t function effectively without the water content. Water dissolves minerals and transports them to other plant parts. Based on science, water improves the overall growth of a tree. Water is also essential for the growth of roots, germination process, multiplication of soil microorganisms, etc.

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3. Pruning

According to science, pruning is the removal of unhealthy and unwanted tree parts or sections. Tree pruning helps in eliminating infected parts of a tree that interferes with the growth and health of your trees. There are different types of pruning, such as standard pruning, fine pruning, crown reduction, and hazard trimming. Pruning requires specialized equipment and professionalism. There are several merits of tree pruning:

– Improve air circulation and sun exposure

– Enhance the appearance of a tree

– Improves the health of your trees by removing dying and dead branches

– Increases the yield

– Improves safety

Pruning is among the most essential tree care practice that shouldn’t be ignored.

4. Diseases & Insects

Recently, many types of plant diseases impact the growth of your plant negatively. There are different ways of controlling plant disease and pests, such as pesticides, mulching, use of certified seeds, spacing, etc. It’s important to use practices that won’t affect the plant or soil. Controlling diseases and pests will enhance the health and growth of your tree, increase productivity, improve the aesthetic value of your yard.

Why Get Help From an Arborist?

Tree care practices require certain qualifications and enough experience. Avoid the DIY technique because you may cause more harm to your tree than anticipated. Below are reasons why you should hire the right arborist:

– Professionalism

– Great reputation

– High-tech tools and equipment

– Enough experience

– Ability to provide prime services

– Time management

Investing in a professional arborist will help you concentrate on other fruitful projects. An arborist will use the latest tips and tricks to improve the efficiency of tree care services.

In conclusion, taking maximum care of your trees has more benefits. When hiring professional arborists you should consider factors, such as past clients’ testimonials, type of technology, and years of experience.