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Take Care of Your Newly Planted Tree in 4 Steps

How to Put Mulch Around Your Tree the Right Way

There is always a method to the madness. Mulching around your newly planted tree is a good method for helping growth through retaining moisture, keeping warmth during a potential frost, disabling and suspending the growth of pesky weeds, helping with water drainage, and enables nutrient-providing decomposition. 

The roots right at the base of the trunk should be left clear of mulch for just about 3-4 inches. Level out a layer of mulch with a thickness of about 2-4 inches of mulch gradually spreading down to the tree’s dripline (distance point would be ground level where furthest branch reaches). Spread your hands all over the base and make the mulch feel and look natural. There are many different types of mulch so you can play around with it and see what suits both your personal and plant’s needs and wants. 

How Often Should You Water Your New Tree?

Water is the essence of life. One of the most important nutrients necessary! Although, just like everything else in life, must be given in moderation, while considering the unique characteristics of every plant. A good rule of thumb is to just keep the surrounding soil moist, not soaking. Under and over-watering are potential risks, so it is always best to do a little research on your plant! Be sure to keep temperature and climate in mind. 

Think about how you would hydrate yourself, now apply it to the plant. A cactus has a completely different thirst than a fern does so it is very critical to do research on your plant and offer the most helpful environment possible. With anything you do, try to keep a routine to it, both you and your plant will appreciate it. 

How Frequently Should You Fertilize Your Tree?

Most trees and/or large shrubs do best when fertilized in early spring. Again, it is very important to be keeping temperature and climate in mind, it may be beneficial to slightly fertilize additionally in the summer depending if the plant can handle that. Avoid fertilization during stressful dry seasons. A fertile tree is a happy and healthy tree so try not to stress the plant with too much commotion especially while young saplings. 

How to Trim and Prune a Tree Properly

Let us first take into consideration the type of tree; deciduous or coniferous? Deciduous trees tend to do best during a dormant period such as late autumn or winter. Do not prune in the spring, many trees will bleed out sap and/or other potentially necessary fluids. 

Begin to trim all branches above 4 feet, especially ones heading in the direction of the center of the tree. Be sure to keep branches above your head if anticipating walking under the tree and always remember to cut back larger branches from the trunk. Remove or cut branches that are dead. Picture cutting branches to see through them rather than above or below them.

What are the fastest growing trees you might have in your backyard? Find out in the next post.